About Us

    A Neuro Physio Podcast was created by Erin Bicknell and Matt Wingfield, who are neurological physiotherapists from Melbourne, Australia.

Erin and Matt are self-proclaimed neuro physio nerds who also listen to a lot of podcasts. They both work with people who have experienced a range of neurological and vestibular disorders. 
Craving a podcast in the neuro physio space, they had a pipe dream to create the content they were searching for.

Their vision was to bring content to listeners that enhances clinical practice, whilst also hearing about different career pathways. The personal journey many physios take can be intriguing and creative, and many early career physios don’t know what options they have.

Matt and Erin love the way podcasts allow people to listen on the go wherever they are, at a time that suits them. They also recognise how hard it can be for regional and remote physios to access good quality PD and hope this podcast helps fill that gap.

“Our ultimate aim is to enhance clinical care and help improve outcomes for our patients. We know others are as obsessed with learning as we are and we want to share knowledge applicable to the modern neuro physio” 




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